Annual Report
As I write this review of the Fiscal Year 2-23-2024 on the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary time, cycle B – the Gospel is the lesson of the widow who put her two small coins, her “whole livelihood” into the collection. Her two cents was not a critical comment, it was an expression of trust in God. St. Juliana, you have put your livelihood into making St. Juliana the wonderful parish that it is. Your expression of trust reaches beyond our security fence. The year-end financial report represents a good picture of who we are and what we do.
The annual budget is a best guess, it’s the plan the Pastoral Finance Council approves. When the annual budget is presented, we understand that some income categories represent a stretch and some expense categories are wishes. The Council meets monthly, both categories are monitored, and all are allowed to express comments.
As you notice, budgeted income did not meet expectations, and year end expenses were greater than the plan.
Notable in the past year is the salary scale which is subject to wages set by the State of California. Notice employee insurance and benefits and utilities which are budgeted for in the spring but changed during the year. We cannot pass charges on to you as fee or price hike, they are paid by the Sunday collection. Of further interest, the Sunday plate collection and e-giving are about equal.
The report tells me, you trust the ministry of St. Juliana, for which we are all grateful. Dive into the report to notice what you do for others.
You support the St. Vincent de Paul Society which serves the needy each Saturday. Currently about 160 cars and 40 or so people pass through the food distribution line. You give generously to the extra collections. The parish supports our Catholic grammar school.
Beyond that, we have accepted St. Anthony Claret Parish literally down the street (South on Acacia and west on La Palma) in Anaheim as a parish in need. Further, you responded generously to Fr. Raphael Ddamba’s request to bring electricity to his mission parish and grammar school in Uganda, Africa. This charity will be recorded in the current fiscal year.
We are neither the largest parish nor the wealthiest parish in the diocese. We support ourselves and we are generous to others. We live the Gospel of Jesus, the Gospel of love and kindness toward other people. “Open our eyes to the needs of our brothers and sisters. Makes us serve then truly, after the example of Christ and at his command (to love one another). May all your people be raised up to a new hope”
We are beginning the sixtieth anniversary of our parish. I pray our witness to the Gospel of kindness spreads. Each year, kindly review your giving of time, skill, and treasury to St. Juliana Parish and Catholic grammar school. Thank you for your generosity and trust.
Thanks for reading my two cents!
God bless you, St. Juliana Parish.
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